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Welcome my love,
May this symphony of classes serve your most expansive and vibrant self and summon your glorious glands into balance. Each class is both a conduit and an invitation to cultivate steadiness, softness and simplicity in your life. May wellness be your daily practice.
With love, Clare
May this symphony of classes serve your most expansive and vibrant self and summon your glorious glands into balance. Each class is both a conduit and an invitation to cultivate steadiness, softness and simplicity in your life. May wellness be your daily practice.
With love, Clare
Let's connect! Share your journey and direct experiences of each class. Let us see what's working for you and enrich our community with the gems of self-revelation that are clarifying what you need on this path. We are all here to learn from each other, lean into community support and watch how your load lightens.
Use this workbook to learn more about the contents of your class kit and utilise the suggested rituals to consolidate your practice.
It's time to acknowledge where you are. In this way you can begin to access the learnings from where you have been. Rosemary The Reviver, will guide our journey providing potent inroads to both the wanted and unwanted, bringing relief to your current struggle. The Kriya in this class strengthens the Nervous system and brings Glandular balance.
In today's class we create with intention in the body, beyond the mind. Enjoy this magical practice with Cedarwood which offering steady scaffolding to your internal world. You'll enjoy a Kriya intended to build up the Glandular System and inner organs.
Experience the original you with a quick and potent Kriya and enjoy the enlivening support of Rosemary essential oil once again to carry you courageously through this powerful practice. The music didn't play in today's class but you can use the playlist below to work with throughout or enjoy for the meditation in our final section of class
Enjoy a therapeutic deep dive with Cedarwood and your Chakra system where we will spend extra time with your Thyroid. Expect to receive potent guidance from your higher knowing in this final practice. Linger on the self-examination questions at the end of class and when you have completed your reflection time be sure to book a session with me to share your experiences and plan your next steps.
You might like to play this beautiful album Linger in the background to your journal work/reflections at the end of the session. Please remember to take your time with this... let the music support all that wishes to Linger a little longer with you.