Welcome to our Essential Path team space. You'll find our weekly Thursday calls here and any other education that we create together.
Every Thursday at 10.45am come with a cuppa ready to share and grow!
Meeting ID: 834 6892 9101
Meeting ID: 834 6892 9101
Need me for some 1:1 support or Thursday mornings don't suit? Book me for a private zoom call. Once per week is a lovely way to commit some special time to the energy of your dōTERRA work.
Scroll down for inspiration and click on the picture to open desired session.
Re-defining your core beliefs with guided self-inquiry process. Shifting your energetic set point and setting who you intent to be.
optional AUDIO ONLY - Lie or sit down and listen in
optional AUDIO ONLY - Lie or sit down and listen in
Discovering your Why... having a why that's stronger than your fear.
Consider these questions by Deb Erickson...
What do you want?
What will it look like and feel like when you get there?
Why do you want this outcome?
Why is this outcome important to you?
How will achieving this impact both you and the people you are here to serve?
How would having that impact make you feel?
Consider these questions by Deb Erickson...
What do you want?
What will it look like and feel like when you get there?
Why do you want this outcome?
Why is this outcome important to you?
How will achieving this impact both you and the people you are here to serve?
How would having that impact make you feel?
I can, I will, I am neurotool - rating your belief in the business - keeping it simple - mindset shifts
Earning an income with dōTERRA
The power of questions - maintaining connection - cultivating conversation - nurturing potential customers sometimes over years!! - reaching out - enjoying the dance - taking the next right step - how to sample - dōTERRA class power points - staying curious and excited
Being consistent in the way you share - pushing vs receiving - trusting - enjoying delight and surprise - allowing support in
Bring Clary Sage to today's call to amplify your Wonderstorming session. This neurotool is brilliant to move you out of fear, uncertainty or unworthiness. We also used Stronger, Steady and Rose to connect to the backbone of your business, the steady heartbeat of your service and to invigorate the pathway of love through which it all flows!
Christmas Ideas with dōTERRA
On ditching motivation & acknowledging where you are with Rosemary
Helpful links
Register for Elena's mentorship program
Watch January 11th Live Gathering to create your E-card (Energy card for your business)
Tiffany Carole's 30 Day AromaPoint Journey
Helpful links
Register for Elena's mentorship program
Watch January 11th Live Gathering to create your E-card (Energy card for your business)
Tiffany Carole's 30 Day AromaPoint Journey
Releasing chaotic busyness with Patchouli
Diwa shares her recent lessons on signing up your partner/husband/wife + how to buy products available on other dōTERRA markets
Jo shares on how to track your commissions & trusting your intuition + easeful LRP enrolments
Pamela shares a top tip for removing your oil droppers from the bottle + the power of writing 3 things down to complete each day
Diwa shares her recent lessons on signing up your partner/husband/wife + how to buy products available on other dōTERRA markets
Jo shares on how to track your commissions & trusting your intuition + easeful LRP enrolments
Pamela shares a top tip for removing your oil droppers from the bottle + the power of writing 3 things down to complete each day