Bringing together the heart medicine of cacao
with feminine-focused coaching-psychotherapy
with feminine-focused coaching-psychotherapy
Therapy for your feminine-bodied soul. This is a deeply personal offering within ceremonial space for you who seek deeper connection to your heart space and wish to open up to more intimacy, softness, ease and fluidity in your daily life. Perhaps you feel constantly stuck in your head or wish to move beyond the mind-body and mind-heart schisms that cause you to over analyse, control or force your life or business in a particular direction.
We move in ceremonial counsel to create the space to feel fully heard and seen. This process calls you home to your deepest truths and facilitates a gentle uncovering of your most hidden and obscured
We move in ceremonial counsel to create the space to feel fully heard and seen. This process calls you home to your deepest truths and facilitates a gentle uncovering of your most hidden and obscured